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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [教えられます]

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French is taught us by her.
She teaches us French.
Tell me why she is crying.
It is true that she teaches French at school.
It is true that she teaches French.
Tell me where she lives.
If only she were here, she would tell me what to do.
Please tell me the precise time of their arrival.
Tell me the reason why they are absent.
He is a good scholar, and what is better, a good teacher.
He teaches English to his friends.
He is a good English scholar, and, what is more, a good teacher.
He's a teacher of physics, but can also teach math.
He teaches arts and crafts in a school.
He taught them how to sail ships.
From the moment he arrived there, he kept on bothering his doctor to tell him when he would be able to go home.
He teaches them how to speak Japanese.
He taught his son how to swim.
He is skillful in teaching pupils.
He was kind enough to show me the way.

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