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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [������������������]

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If there's a good way to sound out whether a woman has a boyfriend or not please tell me.
The basis of this system is that the students must take turns in teaching, they have to help each other.
Please explain the grammar of 'as may be'.
Please tell me how to use laundry starch to starch things.
I'm teaching basic participial constructions now, but, with regard to those below, what different ways of translating them would everybody use?
I hear that you can burn CDs with Windows XP; could you tell me a website that explains the procedures involved?
They also teach that, for great sins, they cannot receive forgiveness unless they confess to their leader.
Tell me the meaning of life.
Please explain in detail.
Ichiro sounded somehow upset but my long years of hanging out with him told me that it was out and out fake.
Having been informed that plywood is sufficient I will be making it as taught with plywood.
OK. I'm just next door so if you can get that assurance let me know.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
Would you tell me what time the train starts?
Mr Suzuki teaches us English.
The travel company furnished us with all the details of the tour.
What's the name of your pharmacy?
I will teach you how to fish next Sunday.

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