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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [脅した]

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Certainly there are downsides to leadership by coercion and force.
Leadership by coercion would not produce the results we see.
She shouted and threatened a policeman by brandishing a knife.
She threatened to set our house on fire.
He browbeat her into accepting it.
He was in dead earnest when he threatened to call the police.
He threatened to make it public.
He is threatened by a certain gangster.
He's being threatened by a certain gangster.
His request was tantamount to a threat.
What he said was nothing less than a threat.
We thought his threat was only a joke.
I am not in the least afraid of his threats.
His threat got me to start studying seriously.
Someone made a threat to kill that politician.
Employees threatened a strike to protect worker benefits.
I scared him out of cheating on the exam.
I threatened to reveal his secret.
The manager threatened him with dismissal.
A strange man menaced her with a knife.

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