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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [驚かさせた]

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She took me by surprise.
She made his hair curl.
His death surprised us all.
The sudden noise startled the old man.
The news of the prime minister's resignation took us by surprise.
Don't make any noise or you'll scare the birds away.
The movie "Fight Club" has a surprise ending.
These poles, called totem poles, are thought to have been worshipped or constructed for frightening enemies.
The truth knocked the breath out of him.
The news took us by surprise.
The campaign took his breath.
Your knowledge surprises me.
My cousin took me by surprise by coming without previous notice.
As the three men entered the alley, a bird resembling a crow flew from the top a large beech tree as if he had been frightened.
His behavior never ceases to surprise me.
In spoken language, we do not pause between words, a fact that is somewhat surprising: We seem to hear separate words, we can clearly make them out.
Tom's behavior never ceases to surprise me.

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