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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [近づいた]

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Stay away from me, I'll catch the stupid.
When a coil is moved near to a wire with current flowing in it current flows in the coil as well.
The train approached the town.
The time is approaching when we must leave.
A storm was approaching our town.
Don't go too close to the pond so that you won't fall in.
Thunder indicates that a storm is near.
Evening is drawing on.
Evening was drawing near.
The travelers made haste as evening drew near.
Evening was drawing near.
Night coming on, people began to get home.
I'm behind and exams are coming up.
A strange man came up to me and asked for money.
Many American parents encourage their sons to play football to keep them away from drugs.
The story drew to a conclusion.
The plane was approaching London.
She tried to keep away from him.
She told him to keep away from bad friends.
She told him to keep away from bad friends.

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