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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [経済学]

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She majored in economics.
He is a professor of economics at Hyogo University.
He is in his element when talking economics.
He is a great authority on economics.
He made a substantial contribution to economics.
He has a knowledge of economics.
He is specializing in the study of economics.
It is important to overview the economic status of these groups before examining the proposed solutions.
Have you ever considered majoring in economics at college?
I'm studying economics at university.
I major in economics.
I'm majoring in economics.
Economics is the study of economic mechanisms.
I ordered five books on economics from London.
While employed at the bank, he taught economics at college.
If they admit me to the university, I think I will major in economics.
Instead, I will turn to a discussion of the two economic variables I defined a moment ago.
The study which Mr Smith specializes in is economics.
This book gives us a good idea of economics.
The questions involved go far beyond economics.

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