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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [警察]

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He's wanted by the police.
I heard that he gave himself up to the police.
He notified the police of the traffic accident.
He gave the police a false name and address.
He made a false statement to the police.
He gave the police a false name and address.
He has been looked for by the police.
He was subjected to torture by the police.
He handed over the keys of the office to the police.
He described the accident in detail to the police.
The police arrested the suspect in the case.
In light of his youth the police have decided not to charge him.
Did you advise him to go to the police?
It came out that what he had told the police was not true.
The police suspect that he robbed the bank.
The criminal was arrested by the police.
The criminal was arrested by the police.
The police say there's someone pulling string behind the scenes.
The thief was marched off to the police station.
The thief was handed over to the police.

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