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My back tooth has chipped.
Great scholar as he is, he is lacking in common sense.
Mary is lacking in delicacy.
Mary is in want of common sense.
Mary lacks common sense.
It is true he is a learned man, but he lacks common sense.
The statue is missing its head.
All these devices are unreliable.
This organization lacks unity.
This dictionary, of which the third volume is missing, cost me a hundred dollars.
This material has no give.
This desk has lost one of its legs.
This drama is missing something. All it is is a simple cautionary tale with no real depth.
Between you and me, he's a shallow thinker.
Your explanation lacks concreteness.
What he lacks is courage.
Currently, the most lacking thing about myself is probably my ability to concentrate.
Mary is lacking in delicacy.
That the generalised so called "tenacity" component of the word "guts" was completely lacking within herself, was something that Mai had always privately recognised.

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