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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [結婚]

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One hundred and fifty thousand couples are expected to get married in Shanghai in 2006.
I am married and have two children.
Why would you marry a woman if you like men?
You don't marry someone you can live with — you marry the person whom you cannot live without.
You call that a marriage?
"Didn't you get married!?" "Oh, we split up. We broke our engagement."
A 'commuting wife' is just what the name says, it's a form of marriage where the wife travels to her husband's side.
Many women pursue higher education and careers, thus delaying marriage and childbirth.
Her conditions for choosing a marriage partner took priority.
I came to know the man who is now my husband through e-mail; from an acquaintanceship started in that odd way before a month had passed we found ourselves resolving to get married.
And to the people whose married life is not going well, let's remember the marriage covenant sworn solemnly before God at the wedding ceremony.
Well the son of that shop's family, seems it's come about that he's to have a shot-gun wedding with a local girl.
There's no need to tell on him and mess up their marriage.
Falling in love is one thing; getting married is another.
For example, more people are choosing to live together and have children without getting married.
My parents approved of my marrying Mary.
Whatever the reason, they did not marry.
On the tenth of next month, they will have been married for twenty years.
Should he hear of your marriage, he will be furious.
If he could hear of your marriage, he will be very surprised.

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