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The basis of this system is that the students must take turns in teaching, they have to help each other.
So I thought my date, er rather, offline-meeting was going to be just me and her but things aren't that easy.
I have tried to compile the ideas that you proposed prior to the meeting, so that we can use them as the base for the discussion.
Waste makes want.
In North America, business operates on "the customer is always right" principle.
Thoughtless speech may give rise to great mischief.
She receives scores of fan letters every day.
He was born of poor parents.
He stayed with us until the beginning of this month.
He died from a wound in the chest after a week.
He died from wounds.
He had no idea why his wife left him.
Then he brought Simon to Jesus, who looked at him and spoke.
His effort contributed to success.
The girl with whom he fell in love left him after a few months.
Agriculture is economy of the country.
Strife is the rock on which the party split.
If I had been a bird, I could have flown to you.
Idle hands are the devil's tool.
The devil finds work for idle hands.

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