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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [限らせて]

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We do not all go.
I'm not always at home on Sundays.
I am not always free on Sundays.
We won't be able to learn all of the words by heart.
It seems that our sense of direction is not always reliable.
Our teacher is not always kind to us.
It is provided that the applicants must be woman.
Work doesn't always begin at nine.
The writer does not always present life as it is.
A wife's activities are confined to domestic matters.
The student who finishes the examination first does not always get the best grade.
Blackboards are not always black.
An expensive watch is not necessarily a good one.
To do him justice, he did his best with his limited men and supplies.
To do him justice, he did his best with his limited men and supplies.
An earlier sense of a word need not be its present basic sense.
A big title does not necessarily mean a high position.
Not all policemen are brave.
Your father's supporters are not limited to his friends.
Your father's friends aren't his only supporters.

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