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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [交通事故]

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The police are examining the car accident now.
The police are looking into the cause of the traffic accident.
The sudden increase of cars is causing a large number of traffic accidents every day.
We got involved in a traffic accident.
There was a traffic accident in front of the house yesterday.
Yesterday, there was a traffic accident in front of the house.
While I was waiting for the bus, I saw a traffic accident.
If you want to know why, it's because I caused five car accidents this year.
Tom put off his wedding because of a traffic accident.
Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.
Dick had a traffic accident.
If there weren't so many taxis, there would be fewer traffic accidents.
A number of people die in traffic accidents.
Many people die in traffic accidents.
The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident.
The traffic accident is fresh in his memory.
The traffic accident happened before my very eyes.
How did the traffic accident come about?
How did the traffic accident happen?
The traffic accident took place on the highway.

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