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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [好かない]

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She likes nobody and nobody likes her.
She likes no one and no one likes her.
She is liked by everyone.
She is loved by everyone.
She is loved by everybody because she is cheerful.
Everyone liked her because she was very kind.
She is very kind. This is why she is liked by everybody.
Wherever she goes, she is well liked.
She has a lot of faults; even so, she is liked by everybody.
As he is honest, he is loved by everybody.
People like him because he is kind.
Women didn't care for him.
He is liked by all even though he has his faults.
Certainly he is handsome and intelligent, but there is something about him that I can't like.
He is liked by everybody.
He is quite a nice fellow and liked by everyone.
He is such a nice person that everybody likes him.
He's very smart, so everybody likes him.
He is such a nice person that everybody likes him.
He is liked by Ellen.

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