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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [今後]

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What I regret now is, rather, that I wasted time.
The party leader rattled on at great length about future policies.
This block of apartments is a building that takes both the environment and health into consideration. From now on we want to further expand this system and knowhow.
Never mind that. After all up till now he's stuffed himself on huge profit selling high brand-name goods of no real worth. From now on he can just try his best at honest trade.
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.
Our parents took care of us and now it's our turn to take care of them.
Attention is focussed on the potential for growth of the personal and industrial use garbage compactor market in relation to trends in law.
I've made up my mind to study harder from now on.
One in four consumers thinks that prices will continue to rise in the future.
He promised me that he would be more careful in future.
Where he will live doesn't interest us.
The trend towards late marriage is going to increase more and more.
What will happen to the Japanese economy?
Officers will henceforth wear ties at dinner.
Our task has been easy so far, but it will be difficult from now on.
We will keep you informed of things that happen here in Japan.
Our task has been easy so far, but it will be difficult from now on.
Please consider us in the future for all your travel needs.
You must be careful from now on.
You never can tell what is going to happen.

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