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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [据わらない]

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People are cool when they're gutsy, doesn't matter if they're men or women.
He has guts.
The old woman was snugly sitting on a cushion.
She sat there silently with tears in her eyes.
She took her seat at the piano and began to play.
She sat on the sofa, reading a magazine.
They remained sitting there.
He sat there with his arms folded.
He will sit for hours reading books.
He often sits for many hours reading books.
He sat right in front of me.
He sat smoking on the bench.
Sitting still he tried to put his best foot forward.
Even though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly.
Though I was sitting in the sun, I still felt chilly.
The athletes sat around killing time, waiting for their game to start.
The teacher sat on the chair.
The passengers sat four aside.
My son's friend imposed himself on us for two weeks.
It was so nice to sit on the grass in the spring sun.

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