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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [妻]

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I was unwilling for my wife to accept the invitation.
I entrusted my wife with the family finances.
I got acquainted with my wife at a party.
I count myself lucky to have such a devoted wife.
I'm your wife and I like to look nice to please you.
Let me introduce my wife.
My wife is anything but a good cook.
My wife showed excellent taste in decorating the room.
My wife usually doesn't drink coffee at night, and neither do I.
My wife is Chinese.
My wife talked me into buying a new car.
My wife told me to do away with this old hat.
My wife told me to throw this old hat away.
My wife likes to eat out, so she doesn't have to cook.
My wife is a poor driver.
My wife took good care of this dog.
My wife really hates cats.
My wife did not attend the party and neither did I.
My wife was a Smith.
My wife wants me to do away with this nice old hat.

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