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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [咲いた]

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Many Japanese irises were flowering prettily on the lake's edge.
The next morning I woke to see the fruit trees in bloom underneath my window.
The warm weather will bring the fruit trees into blossom soon.
She watched the apple trees burst into blossom.
Many kinds of flowers always come out in his garden.
When the bus swerved to miss a cat, the driver said, "That was close."
There were white and yellow flowers at the side of the road.
The flowers in the garden bloom in spring.
The roses in the garden are in flower.
The roses in the garden are blooming.
There are beautiful flowers here and there in the garden.
There are pretty flowers in the garden.
Rose and lilies are in bloom in the garden. I like these better than those.
The valley was starred with yellow flowers.
It is such warm weather that the roses will bloom soon.
Tiny blossoms have come out all over the river bank.
Spring brings warm weather and beautiful flowers.
The buds burst open at the first sign of spring.
Some flowers bloom in spring and others in autumn.
Many beautiful flowers bloom in spring.

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