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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [始められて]

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That was the first time I got on a plane.
Smiling sadly, she began to talk.
She began lessons in piano at age 6.
She began piano lessons when she was six years old.
She has taken up knitting in her spare time.
She started doing her homework right after dinner.
She began doing her homework immediately after dinner.
She has taken to painting in oils.
She began to grumble and then to weep.
She began to cry at the sight of his face.
She entered into conversation with zeal.
She started talking as soon as she got through.
She began to cry in a loud voice.
She began to gain weight.
She began to despair of success.
She set about writing the essay.
She took a deep breath and then started to talk about herself.
She began to get the feel of her new office.
She lay down on the floor and started reading.
No sooner had she entered her room than she began to cry.

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