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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [子]

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What will become of the children now that both parents are dead?
Behave yourself during my absence.
Behave yourself while I'm gone.
A lost child was sobbing at the police box.
The policemen beat the bushes all day to find a lost child.
Let sleeping dogs lie.
The mother took her child in her arms.
The mother hugged the child to her bosom.
Sad memories always haunt the child.
They have cherished the child as their own.
I believe she is a charming girl.
She is happy to have conceived a baby by him.
She brought up two children.
She is beautiful, intelligent and, what is best of all, very kind-hearted.
She's a really nice girl.
She wept over her child's death.
She loves the boy as if he were her own child.
She stripped the child and put him in the bath.
She cherished the child as her own.
She pressed the child to her heart.

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