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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [支えた]

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Beams bear the weight of the roof.
The walls supported the entire weight of the roof.
The ice is so thin that it won't bear your weight.
The ice is not thick enough to hold our weight.
It's pride that drives her.
She was an excellent spouse who stood by him through poverty.
She expressed her gratitude to all those who had supported her.
She supports her family.
She fainted, and I had to hold her to keep her from falling.
They gave him both material and spiritual support.
They set up a fund to support the victims.
He supported himself with a stick.
His salary is too low to support his family.
Japan has an economy that is supported by hard-working company employees in big cities.
In order to prevent a further drop of the Japanese currency, the Bank of Japan intervened in the market to support it at around 150 yen to the dollar.
The baby walked supported by his mother.
A staff is used to help steady yourself when walking, much like a cane.
When we think of the traditional roles of men and women in society, we think of husbands supporting the family, and wives taking care of the house and children.
I have a lot of friends to support me mentally.
Only hope can keep me together now.

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