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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [止まりません]

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The car dove into the field and, after bumping along for a time, came to a halt.
The bike screeched to a stop.
The train doesn't stop at that station.
Don't open the door till the train stops.
You must not get off the train before it stops.
It was because of the storm that the trains were halted.
My eyes are watery.
The storm stopped the train.
The train stopped because of the storm.
When Yoko and I heard the sirens stop nearby, we quickly decided to go check it out.
He's letting his fame go to his head.
I can't stop my nosebleed.
One of the aircraft's engines cut out.
Please stay seated until the plane comes to a complete stop.
She put on the brakes and the car stopped.
She raised her hand for the bus to stop.
He signaled them to stop.
He lodged at Mr Kato's for the night.
His wagon drew up at the entrance to the market.
To his surprise, the train made a quick stop.

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