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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [止めて]

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He held his breath.
He did not stop his car at the red light.
He used a wire to connect the new light.
He stopped the car.
He parked his car in front of the building.
He has been told by the doctor to give up smoking, but he cannot seem to give it up.
He just looked on and didn't stop the quarrel.
He raised his hand to stop a taxi.
He raised his hand in order that the taxi might stop.
He raised his hand to stop the taxi.
He made great efforts to stop the reform as best he could.
He had the gas cut off.
No one could stop him from fear of his anger.
Forget it. There's no sense giving him advice.
They shut his water off because he didn't pay the bill.
We couldn't stop him from hitting her.
The judge can't stop.
In order to prevent a further drop of the Japanese currency, the Bank of Japan intervened in the market to support it at around 150 yen to the dollar.
The sun having set, they were still dancing.
I pulled my car to the left side of the road.

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