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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [死にました]

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They were thought to have died many years before.
They kept it to themselves that the king was dead.
He broke down completely on hearing of his daughter's death.
He looked asleep, but he was really dead.
He died a soldier's death in the battle in the cause of democracy.
He would sooner die than get up early every morning.
He got over the shock of his father's death.
He survived the plane crash.
He was killed in an airplane accident.
He survived the crash, only to die in the desert.
He died of lung cancer.
He died quite suddenly of heart failure.
He can die from overwork.
He died from overwork.
Overworking was the death of him.
He was killed in a railroad accident.
He died after a brief illness.
He left his son a fortune.
He had his son die last year.
He was born poor, but died a millionaire.

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