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The young should be kind to the old.
Young people are eager to go abroad.
It became popular among young people to wear hunting boots.
Wearing second-hand clothes is now popular among young people.
A group of young men were fighting.
A group of youths attacked the old man.
As is often the case with young people, John is mad about pop music.
There is a lack of communication between the young and the old.
Young men and women fought to defend their country.
Young people flocked to southern California.
A young man barged in unexpectedly.
A young man came for the new product.
I got the young man to carry the baggage for me.
I like that young man.
We want a young man. As long as he is honest, any boy will do.
We are speaking on behalf of the young people of Australia.
These days when I hear about these horrible incidents on the news I get the feeling that more and more young people are losing their ability to distinguish between real and virtual worlds.
Today young people find themselves, through no fault of their own, living in a world torn by international bitterness and the threat of nuclear destruction.
Some young people today are none the wiser for their university education.
It is regrettable that young Japanese today should show little interest in the traditional culture of their country.

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