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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [取り消せます]

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Could you cancel my reservation?
I'll take back what I said.
I'll take back everything I said.
Take back what you said about me being stingy.
Take back what you said about me being a tightwad.
He took back what he had said about her.
He asked the general to take back his order.
He took back what he had said about me.
He canceled the appointment at the last moment.
He took back everything he said.
He canceled the appointment to attend the meeting.
He had never canceled an appointment before.
He would not take back the remark.
The game was canceled at the last minute.
Should I cancel the call?
I canceled an appointment with her.
I canceled my hotel reservations and stayed with friends.
I canceled my hotel reservation.
I take back my words.
Would you please call off our trip to Hong Kong?

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