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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [取らせて]

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Will you get me a room?
Take your hat off in the room.
My father uses an old dictionary whose cover has come off.
My father never takes a long rest.
Father reads the newspaper, eating his breakfast.
Father went red with anger when I behaved rudely towards him.
My father is not as old as he looks.
My father rarely goes to extremes.
Father named me after his aunt.
The average nurse is entitled to three weeks' holiday a year.
You must take off your hats in the presence of ladies.
Some people took hostile attitudes toward the illegal aliens.
It is hard to keep our balance on icy streets.
The sooner you get your ticket, the cheaper the fare.
I had my secretary run off ten copies.
It gone without saying, if you are tired, you should take a rest.
She's thinking of taking a couple of courses at a cooking school.
Her work in school warranted her good grades.
She removed her hat when she entered the room.
She reached out for his hat.

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