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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [取れます]

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She took down the speech in shorthand.
She won first prize in the speech contest.
She heaped her plate with salad.
She was named Elizabeth after her aunt.
She led the old woman to the church by the hand.
She took the old woman's hand and led her to the church.
She always takes good care of her old father.
She is always missing the ball.
She got a master's degree three years ago.
She got her master's degree three years ago.
She took two weeks leave and visited China.
She was encumbered with two heavy suitcases.
She boasted of having won the first prize.
She got full marks by memorizing the whole lesson.
After winning the Nobel prize, she remained as modest as ever.
She's the girl whose performance won an Oscar.
I'm trying to get in touch with her sister.
Her mother is not as old as she looks.
Her voice could hardly be heard above the noise.
Take a seat over against her.

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