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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [手に入り]

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I finally got hold of that book I wanted.
An infant is not capable of speaking, so it just screams until it gets what it wants.
I came into a pair of tickets from a friend.
Nowadays anybody can get books.
I've got everything that you want.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
She won ten million yen in the lottery.
She got a new CD player yesterday.
She got the ticket for nothing.
She got the ticket for free.
She got a cool million dollars a day.
It beats me how she could have gotten that secret information.
They bartered guns for furs.
He acquired a large fortune.
He fought a successful election campaign.
He will accept any money he can get.
Enough money was available for him to begin his business.
He got a nice job recently.
He obtained a picture which Picasso had painted in his later years.
He could manage a week's holiday.

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