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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [手放したくない]

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My mother had no choice but to part with her diamond ring.
She had to part with her fur coat.
She had to part with her jewelry box.
She had not let go of her son.
He had to part with his secretary because she got married.
He had to let his secretary go because she got married.
He couldn't possibly part with his beloved dog.
He was deep in debt, and had to part with his house.
He was deep in debt and had to part with his house.
He decided to part with his house.
He didn't want to part with his house.
He had to part with his house.
He had to part with his house.
I have to part with my old furniture.
I had to part with my competent secretary.
I have no intention of lending this watch to anyone, much less parting with it.
I have to part with my old furniture.
I would not part with that picture for all the world.
It's not easy to part with one's favorite possessions.
I parted with my old car.

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