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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [受けられません]

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The children had the benefit of a good upbringing.
Foreigners get special treatment in that country.
The flood caused a great deal of damage to the crop.
The performance was received with applause.
The building was heavily damaged by fire.
The company suffered a great loss.
Having fallen victim to increased competition, the company went bankrupt.
Losing their breadwinner was a shock to that family, but the insurance money helps a lot.
Whoever saw the movie was shocked.
The film received favourable criticism.
The film received favourable criticism.
Such conduct would subject the offender to a heavy penalty.
I object to being treated like that.
And in many countries, where the animals are already under pressure because their homes are being destroyed by agriculture, things can get even worse.
I agree. He's sure been the king of the hill since we brought him home.
Such an act will be judged at the bar of public opinion.
Scott received a very strict education.
We are not likely to accept another offer any time soon.
We have just received an inquiry from Kansas concerning your brother.
A great many houses were damaged in the earthquake.

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