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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [授業]

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Both boys and girls should take cooking class in school.
I am working to save for my college tuition.
I injured myself during the physical education lesson.
I injured myself during PE class.
The physical fitness courses are required for everyone.
If you get up early, you can be in time for school.
The teacher declined to let the lazy boy attend his class.
The teacher caught the student sleeping in class.
The teacher caught the student sleeping in class.
Our teacher called the roll at the beginning of the class.
The teacher warned me not to be late for school.
The teacher finished today's lesson.
The teacher dismissed his class when the bell rang.
When the bell rang, the teacher ended the class.
The teacher controls the class, usually standing in front of the students and lecturing to them during the lesson.
Our teacher had hardly finished the class when the bell rang.
Right after the teacher finished the class the bell rang.
I won't ever talk in class again.
Last week five students were absent from class.
Last week five students were absent from class.

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