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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [住んで]

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He lives in the suburbs of Tokyo.
He lives in Tokyo.
He likes to live in Tokyo.
He dwells in the country.
He lived in a typical Japanese-style house.
He lives in Nagasaki.
He lives in the western part of town.
He lives in a small town near Osaka.
He chose to live in Tokyo instead of Osaka.
He lives across the river.
He does not live in Sendai.
He once lied and told her a rare creature lived in her closet.
He's lived there all his life.
He lives in a farmhouse remote from the world.
Living as he did in remote countryside, he seldom came up to town.
He lived in a house remote from the village.
He lived in Matsue for seven years.
He has been living in the cabin by himself for more than ten years.
He had no house to live in.
He's looking for a place to live.

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