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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出しました]

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If you mess with drugs, you're asking for trouble.
The trees in my garden are putting out leaves.
You can't run my life.
I can't afford to pay so much.
I can't afford to pay so much.
I cannot afford to pay so much.
Are you too busy to drop me a line?
Remember to post the letters tomorrow.
I must remember to mail the letter.
Please remember to mail my letter.
Don't forget to mail this letter.
Seeing her mother, the girl burst into tears.
My mother gave me what I wanted for lunch.
Mother is having trouble making ends meet.
Let me see your health insurance certificate.
Could you make out a certificate of health?
I've been upset not having written you a reply.
We'd like to split it. Could you bring it to us on two plates?
My father referred to my friends.
My father would often read the poem aloud.

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