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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出られた]

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I went through the gate out onto the street.
I have mucus coming out of my eyes.
Tears came to my eyes.
By the look in your eyes, I sense that you have gotten your back up.
The trees are in bud.
I will go for a walk if it is nice tomorrow.
The fog won't clear until there's a wind to blow it away.
We yawn when sleepy or bored.
If I should be late, start dinner without me.
If a tiger should come out of the cage, what would you do?
I am descended from a graceful family.
Every spring I am anxious to get out in the garden again.
Oh, really? When did he leave?
I'm so busy I can't attend the party.
The mother's voice fetched her child.
There are many children whose mothers go out to work.
Mother was too busy to see me go out.
He is on another phone.
Don't complain about that. You've asked for it.
My nose runs whenever I have a cold.

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