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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出られる]

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I got the OK so I unthinkingly created the clichéd 'grass runner thief/bard' character.
The train left before they got to the station.
The train left on time.
The train left for Kobe station.
The train just left.
Will the train leave on time?
The train has just gone.
The train leaves at 2:30 p.m.
The train rolled out of the station.
The train was about to leave the station.
The train starts at six.
The train leaves at six.
I left home early in the morning for fear that I should miss the train.
I left home early so I wouldn't miss the train.
I left home early because I didn't want to miss the train.
He left home early in the morning so as not to miss his train.
He left home early in the morning so he wouldn't miss the train.
The train was derailed and about thirty passengers were either killed or injured.
I only got to the station after the train had left.
The train leaves in ten minutes.

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