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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出]

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My eyes are watering.
The green leaves are coming out.
Green leaves are coming out little by little.
I feel lethargic.
I left early so I could get a good seat.
My parents are away on a trip and I'm alone in our house.
They were all in high spirits when they set out on their travels.
We find comfort in traveling.
When you travel, you've got to try the local brew.
In spite of the storm, he went out.
He went out in spite of the storm.
He gets hives when he eats eggs.
I get hives when I eat eggs.
She gets hives when she eats eggs.
We ran over the budget by two thousand yen.
About dinner time, Rev. King was on the balcony outside his room.
It looks like there's a pleasure boat.
My friend Henry was not in class yesterday, and neither was I.
I have a fever at night.
At night he goes out for a drink.

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