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Close the door after you when you leave the room.
Can I go out of the room?
My father usually leaves home while I am in bed.
Father gestured to me to leave the room.
My father gestured with his hand for me to leave the room.
I attended the meeting though my father told me not to.
My father is out in the garden now.
My father has gone out to buy postcard.
I left home later than usual, but fortunately I was in time for the train.
Illness prevented me from going to the party.
Don't go outside. It's raining hard.
Heads I win, tails you win.
If need be, I will come early tomorrow morning.
I have a runny nose.
Your nose is running.
My nose is running.
My nose was very runny.
Your nose is running. Blow it.
The secretary asked that I hold the line until Mr Williams was free to take my call.
To my sorrow, my father cannot attend the meeting.

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