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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [出]

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She wants to move out and find a place of her own.
She went out of the room in silence and closed the door.
She made little of her mother's advice and went out alone.
She was seen to walk out of the room.
She went out of her study.
She went out of the room with downcast eyes.
She began to cry as soon as she left the room.
She went out of the room.
She came out of the room.
Her grief was too acute for tears.
Her grief was too acute for tears.
She stepped forward to shake his hand.
She told me his name after he had left.
She looked at me seductively.
She went out of the room in anger.
She left the country to get work in the town.
She stood up to answer the phone.
She is second to none when it comes to cooking Chinese food.
She is an English teacher fresh from college.
She is a college graduate.

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