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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [書き留めよう]

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Take down the main points of the speech.
Write down the name in case you forget it.
I wrote down her address so as not to forget it.
He wrote it down lest he should forget it.
I wrote his name down for fear I should forget it.
I wrote down his name so I wouldn't forget it.
Make a note of it in order not to forget it.
I wrote down his phone number lest I should forget it.
I wrote down his phone number so I wouldn't forget it.
Write down his phone number before you forget.
I must write down his address before I forget it.
You should write it down before you forget it.
I wrote down her address so that I wouldn't forget it.
The secretary noted down what her boss had said.
You should put your ideas in writing.
She wrote down the name and address as requested.
She wrote down what he said.
She tried to take down every word the teacher said.
She always writes down every word her teacher says.
She always writes down every word her teacher says.

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