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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [書けば]

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Write a thank-you note when someone goes out of his or her way to help you.
Please write in a way that concretely conveys the question.
Write up the daily report today!
It is important to maintain backward compatibility with software that was written to run on the former system.
When drawing kanji be careful of dots and sweeps, write as carefully and quickly as possible.
On the memo was scrawled, "have her practice floating in the water."
Don't just stand there like a lump, start taking notes!
I'm always writing weird and hoopy stuff so I'm sure it's difficult to comment on.
I'm always writing strange things, so I'm sure it's difficult to comment on.
Er, Sir? What's written on the blackboard isn't an exponential function but a trigonometric one ...
There are a lot of people who say, "it says this in Koujien," and use that dictionary as the only grounds for their argument.
To speak is one thing and to write is another.
Speaking and writing are different.
Have you finished writing your thesis?
You have to take your time over your thesis.
Please write down your contact address here.
Please write your contact address here.
It was courteous of him to write a letter of thanks.
For instance, in my father's business the timing of sales and purchases was very important, and he would sometimes write or say to his colleagues "There is a tide," without going into detail.
I have just received a letter from a friend saying that she is coming to see me next week.

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