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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [書けば]

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Father is busy writing letters.
Father is now busy writing a letter.
My father used to write letters that quoted from Shakespeare.
The sign says "Exit."
Tom said he would draw a map for her if necessary.
I read in the newspaper where contact with the plane had been lost.
The newspaper said that contact with the plane had been lost.
She always writes to her mother every week.
She made a promise to write to me every week.
She writes me every week.
She is engaged in writing a book.
She is collecting material for a book.
She is engaged in writing a book.
She transferred the picture in the book to her notebook.
In her notebook, she drew a copy of the picture that was in the book.
She will write a letter after school.
She plans to write a letter after school.
She wrote him a friendly letter, and thanked him for his help.
She encouraged him to write a novel.
She wrote the date in numeric form.

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