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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [書けば]

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She writes to her son from time to time.
She is very fond of writing poems.
She really likes writing poems.
She really likes to write poems.
She was absorbed in writing a poem.
She showed me a letter written in English.
She asked me to write a letter to a friend of hers in Germany.
She continued writing in her diary until she died.
Did she write in her diary yesterday?
She writes with her left hand.
She is writing a letter now.
She wrote on gender bias in science.
She can write a letter in English.
She was hard at work writing letters.
She writes much better now than she used to.
Was she able to write a report?
She will write another book one of these days.
She has the ability to speak and write French.
She managed to read a book written in French.
She paints every day no matter how busy she is.

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