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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [勝たなければ]

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Try as she may, she is unable to beat him.
They won by force of numbers.
They do anything in order to win.
They won the day.
They are eager to win the next game.
They lost heart because they had won no games.
They're no competition; our team can beat them hands down.
I'm sure they'll win.
We are three points ahead of their team.
He wins his arguments by logical reasoning.
I doubt whether he will win both races.
I wonder if he will win both races.
It is certain that he'll win the game.
He is above all others in originality.
He flatters himself he will win.
If he wins he will gain self-confidence.
He hopes he'll win and I hope so too.
Do you doubt that he will win?
He said he would win and he did, too.
He is sure of winning.

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