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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [笑わせる]

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Only humans can laugh.
Why do humans laugh? That's quite a difficult problem.
Why do humans laugh? That's quite a difficult problem.
Why do humans smile? This is a very difficult question to answer.
I heard a voice saying "Help me!". I laughed.
I heard a voice cry "Help!". I was laughing.
The three of them began to laugh.
Don't make me laugh.
He did something stupid and was sneered at.
I laughed out loud.
We played and laughed.
Nancy seldom smiles.
Don't laugh.
Everyone laughed.
I thought for a moment Tom was going to start laughing.
He had the last laugh.
Tom couldn't believe that no one laughed at his jokes.
I was laughed at by him.
She was laughed at.
Everyone, say cheese.

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