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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [乗ります]

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She got on a bus and took a seat in the front.
She got in the taxi.
She got into the car and drove off.
She is readily accessible to flattery.
She rides a motorcycle well.
As soon as she got on the train, it pulled out of the station.
She is beautiful and how!
They drifted down the river.
They were on board the same airplane.
They are now aboard the ship.
They disguised themselves as fishermen and escaped in a boat.
It seems that they took the wrong train.
They are getting on the bus at the corner.
They are all in a hurry to catch a train.
They missed the train.
They will take the 8:30 train.
A party of scientists were on board with them.
We didn't know what train they'd be on.
He is in a hurry to catch the train.
He is afraid to fly in an airplane.

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