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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [乗れません]

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That was the first time I had flown.
That was the first time I got on a plane.
There were 150 passengers on the plane.
The plane exploded and plunged into the ocean, killing all the people on board.
I'm tired. I just want to go on the teacup ride and take it easy.
She took a taxi to the hospital.
She sat just behind the seats for whites, and then refused to give up her seat to a white passenger who got on the bus after her.
She won't take an airplane for fear of a crash.
Can she ride a bicycle?
She got on her bike and rode away.
She can't ride a bicycle.
She cannot ride a motorcycle, not to mention a bicycle.
She made an attempt to ride a bicycle.
She learned to ride a bicycle last year.
She got on a bus for Harajuku.
She got on the subway at Ginza.
She takes a taxi from the station to her house.
She rode a camel.
She hasn't come yet. She may have taken a wrong bus.
She can't ride a bicycle yet.

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