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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [信じた]

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My grandpa believes that the moon landing was a hoax.
I can't believe you.
I can't believe Tom is really planning on doing this.
Tom couldn't believe that no one laughed at his jokes.
I can't believe Tom really said no to me.
So long as men believe that women will forgive anything, they will do anything.
Many people believe that acupuncture can cure diseases.
They believe in God.
Don't trust what he says.
She doesn't believe in God.
I believe in magic.
I don't believe this.
I don't believe this.
I can't believe that you actually got into Harvard.
I can't believe it's raining again.
Tom told me that Mary was good at playing the piano, but I didn't really believe him until I heard her play.
I don't know what to believe anymore.
I appeared on television once, but nobody believes me.
Tom doesn't believe in life after death.
Tom doesn't believe in evolution.

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