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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [信じた]

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At first, they didn't believe him.
They believed that it must be a new element.
They believed the jewel would bring disaster.
They believe Jane honest.
They believe that Jane is honest.
They believed it necessary to have great contests every four years.
It is silly of you to trust them.
He believes in the existence of ghosts.
It is believed that he was a brave soldier.
It is believed that he was innocent.
I believe that he is innocent.
He is generally believed to have been innocent.
He said he was innocent, but all the same we believed he was guilty.
It is generally believed that he was innocent.
He cheated her into believing it was true.
He tried in vain to convince them of his innocence.
He tried to convince them of his innocence in vain.
I believed him to be in good health.
He was believed to have committed the crime.
He believes in the supernatural.

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