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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [振らず]

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Just as we were leaving the exam room the doctor waved his hand saying, 'bye-bye'.
Kei is startled by that question, but shakes her head as it to say that it's nothing.
"Well, it's hot again today, isn't it?" "That's one more time you've started with a bland topic."
You were about to dump her flat out, weren't you?
The caged tiger lashed its tail.
Swing your arm back and forth.
My friend shook his head as much as to say "impossible".
Don't give yourself airs.
She waved her hand to me, smiling brightly.
Mary gave me the ax last night.
She was waving good-bye, with her eyes full of tears.
She was waving good-bye, with her eyes full of tears.
She waved at me before she got on board the plane.
She greeted him waving her hand.
She smiled, waving her hand.
She designated their table with a wave of the hand.
She waved good-bye to me.
She waved goodbye to me.
She waved her hand to us.
She waved her hand at the sight of me.

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