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Japanese Sentences with English Translations - Sentences [深い]

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She is merciful.
She is dearly loved by everybody.
She is very thoughtful and patient.
Her grief expressed itself in tears.
Her death brought deep sorrow to the nation.
They expressed their deep love of their country in their own ways.
They are deeply in love.
They love each other deeply.
Their friendship ripened into a deep love.
His hands were deep in his pockets.
He conceived a deep hatred for them.
He is very much interested in Japanese history. We are surprised at his vast knowledge of the subject.
He drew a deep breath.
He has a deep insight into human psychology.
He showed great reverence towards the pictures of the god.
He was absorbed in deep thought.
He breathed deeply.
Deeply moved, he tried to express his thanks.
Being deeply thankful, he tried to express his thanks.
He fell into a deep sleep.

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